Home For the Holidays

Yes, I made it home. On December 21, around 8:00 pm, I rolled into Greenville, South Carolina. Just in time for Christmas.

My trip across the country ended well. I spent one night in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, (where I ate at a Cracker Barrell for dinner and then breakfast), and then spent my final night on the road at Jacob and Trish Cartner’s house in Memphis, Tennessee, before arriving in Greenville. All in all, the Lord blessed my trip and I made it home safely.

Since arriving home on December 21 I have been spending time with family and friends. Mom, Dad, Carrie, Mimi (my grandma-mom’s side), and I had a great Christmas together. I made sure to give both Mom and Mimi there very own jar of Veggiemite, to which Dad responded, “Uggghhh”. It was very entertaining to observe the expressions on their face as each of them tasted their Christmas treat (I think they will stick to less potent spreads). We have had several Christmas parties at our house, and one of the main activites has been to let everyone try Veggiemite. I haven’t had many conversions.

After Christmas I continued in my holiday mode of reading, relaxing, and visiting with family and friends. I decided to spend New Year’s with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Linda, and my cousins, who all live in Jacksonville, Florida. Grandma and Pop (my grandparents-Dad’s side) were visiting as well, so it seemed like a good way to bring in the new year. Plus, Uncle Jeff has a massive HD TV, the perfect place for watching college football games. Further still, Mimi (who lives in Jax) was driving home, so I thought it would be good to travel with her.

So, on Monday (Dec. 31) I drove 400 miles (along with Mimi) to Jax, Florida. We brought in the new year and watched plenty of college football. Even though home is technically Greenville, I always feel like I am coming home when I visit Jax. Our family roots began here, and I still consider myself a Florida boy, so every visit is a special treat.

Tommorow, Lord willing, I will drive back to Greenville, and then get serious about heading up to Southern Seminary in mid January. Classes start January 22. Between now and then I have to move to Louisville, get a job, find an apartment, register for classes, etc, etc.

Re the future of my blog, my plan is to post a few more entries, and then to transition to a new blog of some sort. Since I am no longer “Brian Down Under”, I’ll have to either rename the blog, or do something totally new. I am still thinking about it, so stay tuned for updates.

Happy New Year!

3 Responses to “Home For the Holidays”

  1. Kelley Says:

    So the real question is do YOU like veggiemite?

  2. ann cranston Says:

    hi brian, its ann cranston from wallaroo. well i know that you are settled back into life in the usa. i was talking to wendy holland from the bible group at daniel & mei’s at wallaroo this morning at the RSL. she showed me the letter you wrote to the congregation. wendy asked me to send you her love and that she is thinking of you and is missing you here in wallaroo. you are apparently being missed by all the mob there. you, i feel were a breathe of fresh air for them here.
    well i was wondering if you still had a journal going of you work and things that happen in you home town or have you stopped writing now. . i guess it would be under this blog, but you could let me know if you dont mind. i would like to keep in touch with you to see how your going. i shall tell wendy that i wrote to you and hopefully you may get a chance to let me know how you are.
    take it easy home there and we hope to see you back in auz one day soon.
    regards ann

  3. Anne and Alastair Love Says:

    Hi Brian, great to hear from you via letter from Bruce. Well I guess you’re all settled into study – Good luck, and if Angas’ start to boarding school is anything to go on you’ll do just great. Angas started last Thursday, we took him down to Adelaide on Tuesday last and he is just loving it. Guess he just needed a challange and 85 acres to run around in!! St Peter’s College, is set in the most beautiful english style grounds – a lot like Kadina and Wallaroo!! Victoria cried most of the 200 ks home and I did feel lost for the first few days – we kept ringing Angas to say good night – but we’re ok now, Saints have a great pastorial care programme so we feel a whole lot better. Well hope this msg finds you well – I think most of Wallaroo is praying for you, so you should be fine with study work etc. ttfn Anne & family, ps we need more rain can u drop by sometime soon!!

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